What’s On
Use the tabs at the top of the page to view the church diary or details of other special events. Below you will find details of our regular weekly activities.
10.30am Morning Service - is available if people wish to attend the service in person provided they have advised us they will be attending in advance- the service is recorded and uploaded on to U tube after the conclusion of the Sunday service.
To find out more about Sunday mornings click here.
To find out more about our children's activities click here.
House Group - Meeting in church Lounge 7.30pm
Girls' Brigade meets every Wednesday during school term (in person)
House Groups - these small groups meet together in person and via Whats app for a time of encouragement, Bible study and prayer. These groups meet weekly .
Hemel Hempstead House Group 7.30pm
If you would like to join a group near to where you live, please speak to pastor Robson.
7.00pm Prayer Meeting (in person )